My Final Message.

Since I started making this games page i maked too much of projects like a Pizza Tower Resonated project or publishing Random things, but I was moving away from many projects like making a comic or programming a game, but here it is about to end, that's why I am leaving this page and I will slowly move away focusing on other projects, I will give you a final gift that is something I learned, edit random Tom & Jerry cartoons with the most famous MGM Cartoons logo. (It came from a deleted Tom and Jerry series that made the Looney Tunes Cartoons Creators before that Zaslav cancelled with another Tom and Jerry show called: Tom and Jerry Time) 

Since I was born, I was a fan of Tom and Jerry and I loved all of their eras, Gene Deitch's era I would call "Underrated Era" because the animation and style is similar to what I do and that's why it inspired me to make a series of comics, Thanks to the users of this page who have treated me very well and for the Pizza Tower: Resonated project, I will be free doing my things forever, thank you and I wish you luck loving me...


Get the Special Shorts! 259 MB
4 days ago

Get Tom and Jerry: Special Shorts

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